Unlock unparalleled opportunities to build

Rayls opens the gates to institutional liquidity, billions of potential users and the ability to rebuild a vast ecosystem of financial products on blockchain.

Revolutionise your financial infrastructure

Build within a UniFi blockchain ecosystem to build solutions that will drive business efficiency and growth.

Create treasury management and inter-bank transaction workflows with real-time settlement

Embed compliance into your systems with verifiable credentials, ISO messaging standards and auditable transactions

Build rich analytics dashboards for monitoring and reporting, connecting with existing systems via clean APIs

Unprecedented access to institutional liquidity & billions of users

Access an unsaturated market of billions of potential users and become the main service provider for institutions in this new tokenized ecosystem.

Connect directly to institutional finance's vast liquidity.

Unlock opportunities in a market ripe for innovation.

Seamlessly integrate with traditional financial systems.

Build the future of UniFi with Rayls

Shape the future of finance by developing innovative decentralised applications.

Build dApps that serve both institutions and retail users, in a new UniFi'd token economy

Access the world's banked KYC’d users in a network that is safe for institutions and retail

Source liquidity from tokens issued across Rayls Subnets and from other public blockchains

"Rayls have been pivotal in defining how we power private wholesale CBDC payments. They proved a natural fit to supercharge our team and process. "

Joe Bloggs

CEO, Company

Get started with the unique UniFi Blockchain Ecosystem today